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Column: Five more minutes

We’ve all been in the situation where we hit the snooze button because we don’t want to wake up in the morning. For me, that’s every morning.

I intentionally set my alarm at least five minutes before I need to wake up, so I can snooze a little bit longer.

Sometimes the first words I say in the morning are “five more minutes.”

There are days we wish there were more hours before the sun goes down. This way, we can spend more time studying or chilling on the quad before the 6 o’clock mosquitoes come out for dinner.

As winter draws nearer, the days become shorter. Soon, it will be dark before 5 p.m. and we will all be wishing for more sunlight.

Sometimes, we just want to be in the moment for a little bit longer. I wish the beautiful sunsets wouldn’t be so short. I could spend hours looking at the mountains out west and watching the waves of the ocean.

I wish I could spend forever traveling, seeing new sights and enjoying a life of adventure. However, there are times that I want to just sit, relax and not do anything. Binge watching and social media scrolling are great ways for passing time, but they add very little to life.

Every five minutes I spend looking at my phone is five minutes I can be doing something else. I could be studying for that big test, having fun with friends or planning my next adventure.

We bargain with ourselves and think a few more moments are all we need to make something right or do something more. Maybe we have regrets or look back at something we could have done better, if we were just given the time.

I wish I had five more minutes to hold my grandma’s hand. I just want a little bit longer to snuggle with my pets before I have to say goodbye.

We wish to go back in time and do something differently, tell that person how you actually felt or hold on to someone because you never know when you might see them again.

My advice to you and myself is – instead of wishing for five more minutes, make them happen. Do what you want to do now before you regret it later.

Cherish the moments happening right in front of you because they won’t happen again.

Maybe instead of snoozing for five more minutes, you can take that time to enjoy your morning coffee and not rush to your 8 a.m. class.

Just remember, life can change in the blink of an eye and you can’t slow it down, even if it’s just for five more minutes.

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