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Posts published in “Opinion”

An open letter to my high school

When I began outlining this column, I planned on writing an open thank-you letter to my high school for how well it prepared me for college. But when I thought about the unfairness between alumni from my high school and less fortunate schools, I felt…

Editorial: 2017-11-17

Recently, handfuls of men and women have come forward to accuse actors and producers in Hollywood of sexual assault. Kevin Spacey trended on Twitter for a day, followed by Louis C.K. Then they disappeared. Even President Trump has been accused of sexual harassment and assault…

Thanksgiving Break isn’t long enough for an out-of-stater

For most Bradley students, the three extra days they get off during the week of Thanksgiving are happily welcomed. But as an out-of-state student, it’s simply not enough, and I know for a fact that extending Thanksgiving Break is an idea we can all get…

Smoke-free deserves to be taken seriously

The state of Illinois signed a law in 2014 stating all public universities and community colleges were required to have “smoke-free” campuses by July 2015. After that, Bradley began its own mission to reduce the negative health effects from smoking on the Hilltop, as well.…

St. Nick brings Christmas cheer … early

There are a lot of issues going on in today’s society that many people in our country can’t agree upon ­– gun laws, NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem, immigration … really the list goes on and on. Here’s a take that I don’t…

Get rid of Goodell

The NFL’s ratings have been down the last two seasons, and league officials are running out of excuses. It is time for the league to start fresh in the front office. The NFL’s once sturdy television ratings dropped last year, which many simply took as…

What constitutes priority registration at this university?

UPDATE: This editorial originally listed the Bradley Speech Team as a group that receives priority registration. This information was inaccurate, and the editorial has been edited below to reflect that. Registering for classes is the college equivalent to the Hunger Games. With prerequisites to meet,…

What on Earth is sXe

Did you have to read the headline twice? I promise Im not trying to trick you into reading this sXe is the abbreviation for straight edge, which is symbolized by an X. Straight edge is a lifestyle dedicated to the idea that people should have…

Get involved in gun control conversation

On Oct. 1, the mass shooting in Las Vegas left the country once again in shock. 20,000 people entered a concert venue that evening hoping to enjoy a night listening to country music. 58 people never left. Over 500 concert-goers suffered serious injuries. Thousands of…

Senior column (part 1)

As the longest standing member of The Scout, Ive decided that I am deserving of a two-part senior column.) Is this extra of me? Yes. Do I care what you think? No. Part 1 of my senior column will feature my potential future paths because…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.