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Posts published in “Opinion”

The biggest mistake Ive ever made (in recent memory)

Anyone who knows me well knows that I love to eat, and beyond that, I love to eat mass quantities of food. The week before classes start, fraternities and sororities hold their work/spirit weeks. Every work week, my house has the tradition of going to…

Homecoming Week and Family Weekend need separation

Fireworks, tailgating, kings and queens. It’s time for Homecoming on the Hilltop. It’s a long-standing tradition at schools across the country and at Bradley, the week-long extravaganza is marked by a 4-foot wide, 8-foot tall “B” that sits atop Bradley Hall for a number of…

Campus security standards impress

Last semester, The Scout investigated the security of Bradley’s QuickCards, detailing possible vulnerabilities in building and ID security systems. Shortly after, university officials alerted campus of their plans to update the system in order to address these weaknesses. Starting in May, administration began taking a…

Metamorphosis of my hair

In a world where everyone is born with a certain hair color, I was the one to break the trend. Just kidding. I am most definitely not the first person to dye my hair. But with that being said, I have recently been defined as…

University response to security risks appropriate

Last week, The Scout published a story regarding the security of Bradley’s QuickCard ID system. Within the article, an anonymous source was quoted providing insight into the security risks of QuickCard IDs. In the following days, the anonymous source sent out a mass email to…

A not-so-senior column

This time of year is always filled with nostalgia. For seniors, it is a time of reflection and a time of moving on. In exactly one year, I’ll be one of the seniors moving on. The thought of that sends me into full-blown panic mode,…

Inner dialogue of a clueless hockey fan

This scenario is based off previous hockey-watching experiences and does not depict any recent events of the Blackhawks playoff series, which I’d like to remind everyone they are losing in. [Blackhawks game is five minutes from starting] Geez, everyone is being loud upstairs, I wonder…

College Haas been great

Well, I never thought this would come, but here it is: the last few weeks of my senior year. When I found out I was required to write a column wrapping up my four years on the Hilltop, I just kind of laughed. How are…

We’re all going to make it

My younger sister Laura is the spitting image of me: Same face, same fashion sense (sweats on sweats, typically), same competitive spirit, same humor, same good grades. Laura (or as I so lovingly call her, “Fart”) is going to find a cure for cancer or…

Failing with my friends

My biggest fear has always been failure, but when I graduated high school, I felt absolutely prepared to start the next chapter of my life at Bradley. When I arrived to campus, however, failure walked up to me, shook my cocky hand, slapped my naïve…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.