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Posts published in “Opinion”

Finding my Scout family

I’ve always had a problem with fitting in. Often, I’d get the feeling of being alone in a room full of people, like a puzzle piece not cut quite right. It was difficult to connect on a meaningful level to anyone. When I started as…

Writing like I’m running out of time

There is a reason I’m disturbingly modest. As I scribble down my final thoughts as the current longest-tenured member of The Scout while listening to “Hamilton’s” “One Last Time,” I’m yet again hit with this feeling that reminds me why. Hold on now. Don’t peg…

Editorial: Campus requires more details on smoke free initiative

Student Senate has been aiming to reduce the negative health effects from smoking on Bradley’s campus for years — at least since the group first proposed making Bradley a smoke-free campus in November 2014. Senate made headway on this goal Wednesday when the Smoke-Free Campus…

Cheers, class of 2016

I’ve tried to avoid opening the email reminding me to write my senior column for a few days now. The reality of a looming graduation is all too real, often bringing a tear or two to my eye whenever the topic comes up. Judging by…

Student Body Officer Endorsements

Note: The following endorsements are based on a consensus by The Scout editorial board. We have a staff member related to one of the candidates, who was excluded from the endorsements process. Every single candidate was strong and ran against at least one other candidate.…

Figuring it out

When I was in high school, I thought I had it all figured it. I had my college major picked out by the time I was a sophomore, and I continued planning and detailing my career goals for after I finished college. But, how, at…

You can’t just pay us? Really?

When it comes to unpaid internships, we hear the same things over and over: “Unpaid internships are crucial for college students,” “Don’t expect to get paid while gaining experience” and “You will probably do unpaid internships all throughout college and maybe a little after graduation.”…

Editorial: No commencement speaker is win-win situation

Recently, University President Gary Roberts chose to remove the guest speaker from commencement ceremonies for the near future. Some students are pretty disappointed, but many understand the need to cut down on the long duration of graduation. If the ceremony is shortened to two hours…

There is no “good enough”

I remember the Kylie Jenner lip challenge. Then there was the collar bone challenge, where people tried to balance rolls of quarters on their protruding clavicles to prove their thinness. After that was the obsession with thigh gaps, and now we have the paper waist…

Editorial: Sexual assault awareness includes teaching consent

In a time when sexual assault is a common occurrence, it is important to teach people to respect consent. The majority of sexual assault victims are women. About 9 percent of rape and sexual assault victims are male, according to Rape Abuse and Incest National…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.