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Posts published in “Opinion”

Talking about my generation

Millennial has become a dirty word. If you Google it, you’ll be overwhelmed by a sea of think pieces about how lazy, entitled, delusional, shallow, oversensitive, apathetic and coddled we all are. Baby Boomers and Gen Xers seem to think the average Millennial is an…

Editorial: Students are more than numbers

Enrollment is an increasing concern at colleges across the country. There are hardships coming from multiple places: uncertain state and federal funding, lagging registration and employee compensation. With these concerns, it can be easy to lose track of the individual value of each student. While…

Editorial: Internet problems plague campus

Internet connectivity has been an increasing issue over the last few weeks on Bradley’s campus. BUsecure is unavailable for hours at a time and only intermittently works. In fact, while we were trying to write this editorial, the Internet connection wasn’t working. To our knowledge,…

There’s no place like a frat

I have had the pleasure over the last year and a half to live in one of the most bizarre, juvenile, awesome places I’ve ever encountered. This place is a fraternity house, and living in it is the best time of my life. If you…

With great language comes great responsibility

Maybe it’s because my AP Stylebook is my Bible, or because I learn grammar rules as if they are the verses defending me against the Satans of the world, but I think language is important, and some individuals, including myself, use it inappropriately at times.…

Editorial: Illinois needs to get its funding on the MAP

Illinois has been without a state budget since July 1, which has the potential to create massive problems for college students in both private and public universities. Monetary Award Program (MAP) grant funding is awarded to students on the basis of financial need and is…

Darwin’s creative abyss

Here’s the deal: I’m in a creative rut. Anyone will tell you that’s completely normal, and I know that. Artists go through these all the time. Writers sit at their computers and think for days. Coffee rings stain the tabletops; dark circles form under their…

Binge watching is good for the soul

Over winter break, I had myself an “a-ha” moment. I’ve spent a great deal of my time doing absolutely nothing significant. I binge watched television shows even before the term “binge watching” was coined. I would rent the season DVDs from the library or simply…

Editorial: St. James changes require communication

The St. James Complex, where over 600 students reside, saw a change of management in July, from Cambridge Property Management to Greg Colwell, general manager of Off-Campus University Properties. Students living in St. James have experienced a number of important changes with the switch, such…

Editorial: President makes positive first impression

This month, Bradley’s 11th president Gary Roberts was introduced to campus in an in-depth manner, through several welcome ceremonies open to faculty, staff, students and community members. Roberts was able to make a highly positive first impression we can only hope he lives up to.…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.