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Posts published in “Opinion”

Editorial: Students need Student Affairs

Job placement rates. Academic program rankings. Cost of tuition. Location. Factors such as these are often some of the first to come to mind when researching colleges, but they only begin to encompass what awaits students when they come to campus for their first tour.…

Senior Column: Sweet memories, sweeter people

I have a stack of newspapers in my room, and they tell the stories of our students. From coming together to be Washington Strong, to the time that kid stole the toilet paper from Jobst yet again, to the day when JoJo told us it…

Editorial: Citizenship is a privilege: Use responsibly

In the back row of Renaissance Coliseum’s floor seats was a young girl in a pink coat, poking her father’s arm in anticipation of monumental moment. It was one in which a crowd would recite the Oath of Allegiance, followed by 11 words from a…

Editorial: Lag in safety notification is unacceptable

It was at 9:35 p.m. on a Monday, 55 degrees and clear skies. It was on Fredonia Avenue, amid the residences of hundreds of Bradley students. It was within walking distance of a blue emergency light pole, and the victim had a cell phone. Yet,…

Senior column: Thanks for taking a chance on me

How am I even supposed to start this? How am I supposed to take the last four years and distill them down to 450-500 words? How do I accurately describe the sheer panic felt when someone who had never been away from their home for…

Senior Column: Taking the next leap of faith

College is a crazy place. So much can happen in such a short period of time that when you look back on it all, you’re sort of floored at everything that you’ve done. I can say that my entire college career has been one leap…

Editorial: SBO elections: Another ‘data breach’?

Student body officer elections brought a refreshing slew of campaigns to the contested races this year, with creativity and student interaction. From news headline printed bubblegum packs encouraging students to “Burst the Bradley Bubble” to interactive graphics and Facebook pages asking students how candidates can…

Senior Column: From a Brave to a Buckeye

When I came to Bradley my freshman year, I had no idea what I was getting into. In high school, I was most actively involved in avoiding slow walkers in hallways crammed with three thousand students and calculating how many hours of homework I would…

Senior Column: Remembering college (sort of)

I’d like to preface this by saying that I am not the best writer in the world by any means, but I’ll do my best. If it gets boring and you stop reading, I won’t be offended because I don’t know how far I’d make…

Column: Hauntings on the Hilltop

With two uncles that work here and many friends that study on the Hilltop, I heard my fair share of Bradley ghost stories before coming to campus. As the non-believer that I am, I listened to the paranormal accounts, but never really gave them much…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.