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Posts published in “Opinion”

Student Body Officer Endorsements

[Note: The following endorsements are based off a consensus of the 2015-2016 Scout editorial board. Staff members who have social relationships with candidates were excluded from the endorsement process.] The student body elections in 2013-2014 were sadly lacking in candidates. This year, however, is a…

Spring fuels ‘Procrastination Nation’

Ah, spring time: one of the best times of the year to be on a college campus. As soon as the sun comes out, warming the frigid Peoria tundra, students can be spotted frolicking on the quads, suntanning, playing catch or getting crunk, even though…

Editorial: Students, take the wheel

Buying a new car is a big decision. Although transportation is an immediate need, the process in selecting a new vehicle is, by no means, speedy. There is a lot more that goes into purchasing a car than selecting a year, make and model. In…

Editorial: Clearer communication should be a priority

“Campus is open and classes are in session today (3/3/2015). Due to icy conditions please use caution while traveling on and off campus.” This statement, posted on the Bradley University Facebook and Twitter accounts, served as the university’s single official notification to students about the…

Finding your happy medium

I’ve always had a problem with balance. My mother is constantly reminding me how moderation is key in all aspects of life, but I find myself attracted to extremes. It’s an impossible feat to describe myself in adjectives. I’m immaturely mature. I have an old…

Stop saying apathy: We actually do care

Apathy. Bradley students hear that word used almost as much as the phrase, “university of national distinction.” But these two are contradicting to me. How can we be recognized as such a great university when everyone – faculty, students, administrators and yes, even The Scout–often…

Editorial: Changes offer chance to realign with values

The Scout has said it many times before: change is coming. But this time, it seems like it is going to be a dramatic shift. For the first time since 1982, we have a new general education curriculum that will be implemented by fall 2016.…

Editorial: Digital Age not an excuse for laziness

This week, an article titled “Top 25 most dangerous college campuses in America” was released via Find The Best and immediately went viral, from news stations to social media sites. Bradley University came in at No. 4 behind Drake University, Alabama A & M University…

Embrace innocent guilty pleasures

No matter who you are, you have a guilty pleasure. Everyone in the world has something they like that they’re not particularly proud of or don’t want people to know. You might think you’re wrong and weird for liking these things. I know, for instance,…

Let’s talk about fitting in

As I continue to inch closer to the 22nd anniversary of my birth, I’ve come to the realization that as a teenager, I was different than most of my peers. Not “different” as in I picked my nose and ate my boogers every now and…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.