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Posts published in “Opinion”

Editorial: Standard suspensions reflect disturbing trend

When senior basketball player Austin Barnes was arrested and charged with domestic abuse, fans of the men’s team were worried Bradley would be without its lone senior for an extended period of time. Barnes was arrested and charged with domestic battery, a misdemeanor, in August,…

Editorial: Steep spending needs justification

When it comes to the world of athletics, compensation is a very special beast. With “Business Insider” citing a staggering $5.2 million average salary for NBA players, many people may pause to consider the worth of this spending. The professional sports industry is of course…

A search for happiness

January 1 marks the initiation of New Year’s resolutions around the world. From weight loss to job success, we have all set goals, some of which we haven’t accomplished, at one point in our lives. For this reason, I decided to step away from the…

College conversion to introversion

Does your ideal night involve curling up on the couch with your snack of choice and a riveting Netflix queue? If so, you’re not alone. That’s pretty much everyone on a college campus at some point during their four years. For a lot of people,…

Editorial: End is near: Let’s go far

Lydia Moss Bradley mourned the passing of her six children and husband and yet successfully doubled her estate, built the Bradley Home for Aged Women and donated more than 100 acres of land for the creation of Laura Bradley Park, all before establishing the Bradley…

Editorial: SABRC finds balance for majority, minority

Last month, the Student Activities Budget Review Committee processed 57 requests from student organizations attempting to secure funding for capital equipment and spring events. The purpose of this committee is to allocate the $85 activity fees paid by full-time undergraduate students each semester. SABRC reviews…

Stress can’t get me down

The saying “time flies” never really hit home for me until I started working at The Scout. Somehow, it’s been a year since I started coming to this office for those long Wednesday and Thursday afternoons of editing stories and cropping photos. In that time,…

Advertising: Man up, we’re not Greek gods

The 21st Century has opened our eyes to new interpretations, new ideas and new philosophies. With all these floating around though, I have one question: why are there still no plus-size men in advertising? In media, I see two different depictions of men. The first…

Editorial: Administrative transparency desired, valued

Honesty is the best policy. Countless sources, from Instagram quote pictures to parents’ lectures, have drilled this message into our minds. Often, it has proven to be the best way to operate. Monday’s Speak Up event, hosted by Student Senate, provided the opportunity for students…

And why can’t I?

Life has a way of weighing down on you. And I, as many do, always find ways to add onto that, whether it be through school, drama with friends and loved ones, extracurriculars or even everyday acts like picking up a gallon of milk from…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.