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Posts published in “Opinion”

Greek Pranks Show Lack of Respect

To be blunt, we’re fed up with recent behavior within the greek community. We’re embarrassed and disgusted, and we think it’s actually pathetic. We’re not going to sugar coat anything. What’s been happening with greek students is just plain wrong. This semester, a trend of…

Take time to focus on what counts

The other day I participated in an online survey regarding social media use, and the questions alone made me evaluate my habits. There were questions like “How much time per day do you spend on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube?,” that…

Editorial 11.8.13: Selective registration shortcuts unfair

Registration is a pain. Students spend a week crafting the perfect schedule, lining up their classes with precision and careful preparation, only to have it destroyed by a last-minute change in staff or a ruthless adviser. Students go into advisement with high hopes and planned…

A kind call to action for Bradley students

We hear it all the time: “don’t go down the hill” or “don’t walk alone.” We even read about the profiles of the people who are trying to mug people on campus. It seems like Bradley’s student population is being set up to have a…

Editorial 10.25.13: Student Senate stuck in a rut

As the government shutdown came to a close last week, we saw what a lack of communication can do to a system which many refer to as “broken.” The topic was discussed by Senator Dick Durbin, D-Ill, Oct. 18, who is featured in this week’s…

Social media is hurting us, not helping us

Social media: you can’t live with it, but you essentially can’t live without it. What does that say about society today? Social media is great for networking and staying in touch with old friends, but it’s gone beyond this simple structure and taken the social…

Editorial 10.18.13: Homecoming sees increase in spirit since years past

The Hilltop is no stranger to student apathy. However, it seems like we’re finally coming around. “Bradley probably has one of the most apathetic student bodies in the country,” stated staff writer Don “DO” Ohlmeyer in the Oct. 24, 1963 edition of The Scout. “It appears…

Shutdown’s end isn’t a promising sign

After a 16-day standoff, the government shutdown ended early Thursday morning with President Obama signing the mea- sure agreed upon by Congress Wednesday night. So what was accomplished in the two-plus week standoff? Oh yeah, absolutely nothing. Nothing constructive at least. The overall economy took…

Editorial 10.04.13: Bradley Renaissance brings promising ideas

As the school year lulls from first exams into fall break, we have the opportunity to reflect on the first complete month of the year. With a break from academics, we can relax and compare our personal and professional performances of this year’s beginning to…

Anti-Semitism still isn’t funny

An event occurred last weekend on campus that really hit home for me and the 52 brothers of my fraternity when insensitive comments were directed toward one of my fraternity brothers as he walked past another fraternity house. These comments directly insulted my house, my…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.