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Posts published in “Opinion”

Editorial 9.27.13

In Dec. 1988, Bradley’s university president removed the “Brad E. Lee,” the cartoonish Native American, as the costumed mascot in response to multiple complaints. But Bradley only stopped Brad E. Lee from running around with war paint and a tomahawk during homecoming events and basketball…

Trigger change by targeting beyond guns

Guns don’t create evil — people do. Guns are mere objects. Constructed of aluminum and steel and branded with company logos, they have no thoughts, harbor no feelings and produce no motives. It is the person behind the trigger that matters; yet, whenever gun violence…

Editorial 9.20.13: No ACBU fall concert means lack of music options

During the past few years at Bradley, the Activities Council of Bradley University (ACBU) has brought some great concerts to campus. Students were able to see shows from a variety of artists of different genres, from rock bands Weezer and Taking Back Sunday, to high-energy…

Miss America reactions are unbelievable

I don’t typically pay atten- tion to Miss America pageants, but the news about the winner this year caught my attention. Nina Davuluri won the crown and is the first Indian- American to win the title. I think this is great news. If you ask me, this…

Editorial 9.13.13: “Rise of the Red” campaign missing the mark

It’s not about our lack of mascot. It’s not about our lack of football team. It’s about pride, in ourselves and in our school. And when Student Senate, Bradley athletics and the Bradley bookstore coordinated the “Rise of the Red” campaign, it seemed like an…

Police report stars are comical, but lack foresight

College students are often pegged as hot messes. They say we rage our worries away, we go broke spending what we don’t have and we take advantage of the gift of education by skipping class and cheating on tests. There are so many students at…

Letter From The Editor

I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome students back to campus by introducing the new and improved student-run Scout. During my three years at Bradley, I’ve seen students pick up a copy of this newspaper for a few simple reasons. Sometimes they need a…

There’s no need to hate Batffleck

Why are so many people ripping on Ben Affleck? I mean, OK, I get it. He was terrible in “Daredevil” and “Gigli.” I’m not denying that. I can see that, especially coming off Christian Bale, Affleck may seem like an “out there” choice for the…

Editorial 5.3.13

There have been a lot of changes at Bradley this school year. Some were big and noticeable, while others subtly made their presence known. The year started with Westlake Hall’s opening. As one of the original buildings on campus, the new hall is larger than…

An Open Letter to President Zack Shaw

Dear Sir, I am astounded to hear of your involvement in the events that took place around 2 a.m. Saturday in the 1400 block of Fredonia Ave. Especially given that it is so soon into the start of your career as president of the student…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.