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Posts published in “Opinion”

Reflecting on the insensitivity of #FirstWorldProblems

I forget. I forget sometimes that pain, emotional or physical, is relative. When I reflect on a “bad day” I see a series of trivial setbacks. A long set of dishes to wash or a fire alarm that ran out of batteries can make me…

Editorial 2.15.13: Moratorium may seem unfair, but in students’ best interest

On Sunday night at approximately 10 p.m., Facebook and Twitter feeds were on fire. Bradley students updated their statuses and tweeted to the world about the recently announced Interfraternity Council moratorium. Throughout the week, students have been expressing their grievance of the policy with the…

Moratorium restricts freedom of college

As a senior, I have heard for almost four years how Bradley is attempting to decrease the use of alcohol by students. New policies and incentives have been enforced every year: Late Night BU, Task Force, mandatory need to register parties, and now this moratorium.…

Students Reflect on Moratorium

“I don’t think it is reasonable to expect there won’t be parties and drinking. We’re on a college campus.”- Sophomore political science major Jessica Bertino “I think there will be more drinking in the dorms as a result [of the moratorium], which is a already…

Editorial 2.8.13: Zipcar Inc. gives students room to roam

Being new to a college campus and having an ache to explore the surrounding community is not an uncommon feeling. In fact, many Bradley students without a car on campus feel a sense of relief whenever they leave the Hilltop. Thanks to a new program…

College textbook prices continue unchecked skyrocketing

Incoming college freshmen–and their parents–know their education is going to cost them. And over the past five years, the price tag on a bachelor’s degree has certainly become steeper. But schooling alone isn’t the only expense that has skyrocketed, and anyone who has bought a…

Editorial 2.1.13: Strength in reflection during sobering moments

Nearly every week, this page is dedicated to reform: what we’d like to see, what we’re glad to see and what we hope will change. But sometimes, it is necessary to adjust our focus to the present, and to take time to reflect. As students,…

Student turnout brings home court advantage

Dear Red Sea Members: On behalf of your basketball team, I want to thank you for the enthusiasm that you displayed Tuesday night versus ISU. Your energy was a key factor in helping to propel us to victory over the Redbirds! Just as each member…

Friday night bar attire doesn’t belong in the classroom

Upon graduation in May, I will have more than 40 college courses under my belt, which is a lot of hours spent in classrooms and interacting with professors. In these past four years I have taken my education seriously. While I had days that I…

Editorial 11.30.12: Hilltop Cruiser is a positive addition to campus

At least once, the average student experiences a late night at the library. By the time students leave for home, it is late and dark. For students who live off-campus, there is a long walk ahead of them. Over the past four years there have…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.