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Posts published in “Voice”

Stop Dropping the L-word

Love is an obscure word. It can be full of so much emotion or be tossed around without much of a connotation at all. Loving a TV show elicits a very different kind of feeling than loving your parents. So, why are we using the…

How To Have a Good Date in Peoria

The River City has all kinds of great and diverse locations to choose from for a nice dinner. If you want a smaller venue that serves specialty food, then Hofbrau is your place. This is one of few places in Peoria with authentic German food…

Tinder pick-up lines

When it comes to meeting someone for any sort of romantic interaction, one of the most entertaining aspects is the use of pick-up lines. Sometimes they’re hilarious enough to evoke a follow up conversation, but other times, they’re just plain awful. With apps like Tinder…

The First-timer’s Guide to the Galaxy of Dating

Embarking on a new relationship is always an exciting series of events, but for those who may be experiencing the highs and lows of dating for the first time in their lives, it can also be kind of nerve-racking. If that’s the case for your…

Love on (Hill)Top

Phil and Jill Gattone Phil (‘85) and Jill Gattone (‘85) met on the porch of Sigma Chi fraternity during their first week of college in 1981. Little did they know that 30 years and four kids later, they would still be two best friends very…

50 Shades of Not OK

With tomorrow being Valentine’s Day, thousands of moviegoers across the country will make their way to the silver screen for that perfect (cliché) date with their significant others. No doubt many of these folks will be seeing the anticipated movie adaptation of E.L. James’s “Fifty…

Spread your wings with The Moth

Storytelling is a staple of human existence. In the past, it served as history lessons and a way to keep tradition. Today, it’s used for just about the same reason, except now we have means of archiving these stories. In a world that’s so technologically…

Box Office Burnout

Here is today’s $2,000 clue, found within the category of ‘2014 Cinema’ “These once dominant staples of the American film-going experience brought in a total of only $3.77 billion within the box office during the summer of 2014.” The correct response: “What are blockbusters?” Now,…

Björk Vulnicura

Björk has always been one of those larger than life artists. She has been making music since she was young, has released three albums with her band The Sugarcubes alongside eight solo albums since 1993. She is a mother, an award-winning actress, was briefly aligned…

From Waste to Water

Bill Gates can do no wrong. Although he has not yet configured a way to turn water into wine, he has discovered how to take feces and transform it into a refreshing glass of water. I remember when my junior high was taking donations for…

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