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Posts published in “Voice”

Kid stars go to top 100

Going galactic seems to be on everybody’s minds lately. Between “Gravity,” “Guardians of the Galaxy” and the recent comet landing, space travel is coming back in a big way. It only feels right that acclaimed director Chris Nolan’s latest film “Interstellar” explores that resurging interest…

Adult swim gets weird[er]

Dazed and confused at 4 a.m. on a Thursday morning, you sit on your couch flipping through channels wondering how and why you’re still awake. You come across an infomercial; the perfect lullaby to free you from your pseudo-lucidity. The infomercial seems normal enough; a…

“I Love You” – Lil B

Brandon McCartney, better known by his stage names Lil B or The Basedgod, is one of the most fascinating individuals to have ever lived. He is an overwhelmingly positive person who advocates love, kindness and happiness for all people. His Twitter account boasts that he…

Internet Arcade brings retro fun to modern players

Video game lovers rejoice; the Internet Archive, an online collection of movies, TV shows and music, has recently introduced the Internet Arcade to the masses. The Arcade is a compilation of 900 classic arcade games made free-to-play for anyone with a mouse and Wi-Fi connection.…

MOOCs: Why you should be milking them for all they’re worth

College: a place where you are required to pick a major that will direct the rest of your life. Higher education is a blessing for those who have an idea of where they want their lives to go. But for those who are less sure,…

Nighty Night Nintendo

Nintendo, a company known for keeping blurry-eyed kids awake until the wee hours of the morning, is now developing a product to monitor and improve people’s sleep schedule. In a recent corporate manager policy briefing posted on Nintendo’s website, company representatives stated that Nintendo is…

Assault shouldn’t be the butt of jokes

I don’t know about you, but I am a huge fan of social media. I say this for many reasons, but mainly it’s for the fact that it gives all of us an opportunity to express ourselves and connect with others in many different ways.…

No Shave November

November is officially here, and the first thing that comes to mind when talking about this glorious month is Thanksgiving, or just overeating in general. For others, this month is about something a little different: body hair. Letting your body hair grow in November is…

Spirits High for Smokers and their Buds

Remember when that Alaskan news anchor said “F**k it, I quit” on live television and told the public about her crusade for marijuana legalization? Well, her spirits (and probably a lot of her friends) must be high because Alaska, Oregon and Washington D.C. voted to…

We dig giant robots

The elections are over, so now we can finally focus on what really matters: giant fighting robots. MegaBots, Inc. is looking to create the first manned, bipedal robot designed for combat. Engineers at MegaBots, Inc. have spent the past four months perfecting giant fighting robot…

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