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Posts published in “Voice”

Albums and Academics: Essential Albums For Studying

Finals week is right around the corner and stress levels are high. There is a ton of work to be done and no time to do it. You’ve got three tests, two projects due, a presentation next week and only enough money for a grande…

Timeflies: After Hours

Good music is like a good slice of chocolate cake; it melts into your taste buds with every bite, forcing you to wonder how many times you can ingest it without growing tired of it or feeling guilty. Unfortunately, Timeflies’ sophomore-but-somehow-debut album makes me feel…

Music Marketing: Daggering Your Way to the Top

Watch, attend, or simply listen to a Chicago Blackhawks game and you’ll indubitably hear a mass of people chanting “da da da, da da da, da da da da da da da.” With Bradley University being as close to Chicago as it is, I have…

Lamaotagne’s Big Return

The transcendent folk singer/songwriter Ray LaMontagne is set to release his 5th studio album, “Supernova,” on May 6. LaMontagne isn’t your average artist. In fact, before entering the music industry, he lived much of his life in poverty. He was discovered for his hidden musical…

Game of thrones: Gone too far?

Three short years after it first debuted on HBO, “Game of Thrones” has become one of the most popular – and controversial – shows ruling the kingdom of premium television. I honestly can’t remember a recent Sunday evening that hasn’t been overrun with various conversations…

Wish I was here

If you didn’t completely dig Zach Braff’s directorial debut “Garden State,” you are one of two kinds of people: 1.  The kind of person who is wrong frequently. 2. The kind of person who missed out on an opportunity to see it. Well, make no…

Go Far Go Biking

With Main Street currently out of order, it seems as though Peoria is becoming less and less friendly toward any mode of transportation that’s not walking. Driving around campus can be a bit difficult now that traffic is being directed through the residential streets, but…


Love is a funny thing. It was in 1755 when Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s play “The Rivals” was first performed, and its message is still applicable now, more than 200 years later. Considered one of Sheridan’s masterpieces, “The Rivals” is a story about love and all…


If you’re a graduating senior, there’s a high chance that the only thing you’re worrying about at this point is making it to graduation (or the senior bar crawl). What with the ceremony itself, saying some goodbyes and the millions of photos your family will…

FIVE Midwest Music Festivals on a Budget

Music festivals have become a quintessential part of the summertime experience for the fun-loving young adult. The idea of being totally immersed in all of your favorite music, surrounded by thousands of like-minded people, forgetting the worries and woes of real life can be exceptionally…

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