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Posts published in “Voice”

The Music Streaming Throwdown

In the next two weeks, we’ll be exploring the world of online music streaming and reporting our findings to you, in order to set you up with music in time for finals week. Gone are the days when you had to use iTunes to get…

Hollywood Gets Nostalgic

When you walk into a movie theater and look at the posters, you wouldn’t be surprised to find movies with the same titles as films from 20 to 30 years ago. Back in the early ‘90s we had the “Evil Dead” trilogy and “Jurassic Park.”…

Putting the Punk Back in Electronic

Before the vibrant sounds of Deadmau5, Bassnectar and Avicii, the electronic world seemed to take a back seat to most other genres of popular music. The grandfather of true electronic music lies in the hands of the infamous Daft Punk. Daft Punk is a French…

Fans Delight at New ‘Bioshock’

At long last, after more than two years from its initial announcement, “BioShock Infinite” has finally been released. Most agree that it lived up to its high expectations, excelling in its storytelling and visuals while maintaining the fast-paced game play fans of the original “BioShock”…

Music Festival Fashion

The sun’s just starting to show, so you know I’ve got one thing on my mind: the summer music schedule. Over the next few months, hipsters, trendsetters and music-lovers alike will be flocking to various music festivals all over the country. While I’m looking forward…

3D Gives “Jurassic Park” New Life

“Jurassic Park” is one of those films that completely revolutionized the world of movies. Thanks to advancements in technology, director Stephen Spielberg immersed his audience in a prehistoric environment, filled with realistic CGI dinosaurs that wowed people of all ages. The two sequels may have…

The Walking Dead Lives On

Earlier this year I gave up on one of my favorite shows. I quit. I said no more, I’m not wasting an hour of my Sunday night for this. However, as our entertainment editor I had to write about the season finale that had everyone…

New “GI Joe” is Lifeless and Plastic

“Knowing is half the battle,” the GI Joes would say. Wise words from a show designed to sell action figures. It’s still good advice, since the best way to appreciate “GI Joe: Retaliation” is to go in knowing that, like the cartoon, this is a…

“Olympus” Redeems the Action Genre

There was a time when action movies had class. Whether it was the original “Die Hard” or “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” action films knew how to combine thrilling stories with likable characters and action that involved real stunts, not huge amounts of CGI. Nowadays…

Doctor Who takes a new house call

Doctor Who” fans rejoice – your favorite Time Lord is back. After a nearly seven month hiatus, the Doctor is ready to resume his Season Seven adventures, this time aided by a new companion (Jenna-Louise Coleman) after the departure of the Ponds. In “The Bells…

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