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Posts published in “Voice”

Podcast of the Week: WTF with Marc Maron

Podcasts haven’t really grown into their own until the last few years, and now they’re pretty hard to ignore in the online scape. Most comedians now find themselves able to try out new material, connect with fans and chat about their lives. It’s a way…

Children’s Hospital / NTSF:SD:SUV

If cult television has taught us anything in the last few years, it’s that all the great comedic actors are apparently best friends. Formerly underground sketch groups like “The State,” “The Upright Citizens Brigade” and Second City Alums are all finding work on TV and…

The Hood Internet brings an audio smash-up to campus

This past Saturday evening’s performance on the Quad was more than just your average show.  It was a collection of Bradley students brought together to dance and have a good time while enjoying a lively performance by The Hood Internet.  For those of you who… Gives a New Take on Campus

Raising school spirit can be done a number of different ways. Pep rallies, sporting events, and Homecoming are the classics. Now, a group of Bradley freshmen have taken a new route: YouTube. The group’s series of videos,  “The Dorm Life,” available at, are meant…

America Live! Brings Interactive Theatre to Campus

Imagine going to see a performance called “America Live!” You don’t know what to expect, but you’ve heard the show is interactive and you haven’t heard much else. Then suddenly you are directed towards a room where you tell someone your name and phone number…

The Office

“The Office” has come a long way. From a direct copy-cat of the British original to a show giving audiences a non-stop barrage of quirky joke machines, this is a series our generation has watched grow and change. For better or worse, this is our…

One Last Drunken Trek: 2011 Senior Walk

As someone who is about to take the long-awaited walk across the stage at the Civic Center on May 14, that other walk — the not-so-memorable one involving alcohol — has taken on new meaning. For years, seniors of all shapes, sizes and majors have…

A peek into a derby mind: The Peoria Push Derby Dames

As a kid, one of the most exciting times in grade school was a roller-skating party. Whether a school-sponsored event or a birthday party for a friend, excitement rose with every lace of the skate (mine were purple Princess Jasmine ones.) But after grade school,…

An uncoordinated, mismatched, energized look into the world of Zumba

As I walked into the dance room for Zumba Tuesday night, it wasn’t hard to guess what the instructor was thinking. It was pretty safe to say this girl in dingy fake converse sneakers and mismatched navy athletic pants and black sweater had probably never…

The Weeknd brings self aware dark side to the music scene

In the first minutes of The Weeknd’s “House of Balloons” you get the feeling what you’re hearing is something new. On the song “High For This,” a spaced-out kick-snare beat leads way to a dubstep chorus as The Weeknd’s yet unnamed lead man soars over…

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