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Posts published in “Voice”

Seeing “The Jungle Book” is a bare necessity

Stop what you’re doing right now. Well, actually, finish reading this newspaper, and then go buy tickets to see box office’s latest moneymaker, “The Jungle Book.” You probably know “The Jungle Book” as the movie you have on VCR, but your impression of this Disney…

Popped an addy, I’m studyin’, woo

That overwhelming sense of doom and regret is all too familiar at the end of April for most college students. All of a sudden, those final projects you’ve been procrastinating all semester are staring you straight in the face, and it’s crunch time to study…

Wonders & Blunders

Wonder What if I told you we’d all have artificial intelligence-owned twitter accounts and self-driving cars in the year 2016? Yeah right, when dogs fly. Well, actually, we have that, too. For no reason other than because he could, Mark Vette went through the struggle…

Rogue One: Star Wars Strikes Back

Last week the first trailer for “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” dropped. Riding the excitement from “Force Awakens,” Disney is going strong as it introduces the fresh faces of the new, expanded universe. But does it hold a candle to the main films? Staged…

Prison Cuisine Worthy of a Prince

Pizza, pasta, prison. Even though all of these words have two syllables and begin with the letter “p,” it doesn’t seem to make much sense to group them together. But in the outskirts of Milan, dinner reservations are filling up for an out-of-the-box dining experience…

Five stages of grief: Graduation style

It is difficult to believe that in 29 short days, I will be saying “goodbye” to college and “hello” to the real world. For me, this last semester has been the time of crazy ups and downs, alongside endless breakdowns and grieving. To put it…

One size fits … most?

“One size fits all.” How is that even possible? Those pants could be made from the most stretchy material in the world, there’s still no way no way they’re going to fit ALL different body types. This isn’t “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.” The…

Clothing gone cray

For many, fashion is an art form. It helps define an individual as an easily accessible display of self-expression. Is it ethical to censor and remove clothing from a store if it is deemed offensive, or is it more immoral to even produce the product…

Does Going to Lollapalooza Make You a Lollapawinna?

Three hundred thousand people. Two hundred performers. Three hundred and twenty five dollars. Four days. Is it worth it? Lollapalooza is known as THE Midwest music festival of the summer. Every year, Chicago hosts thousands of people in Grant Park for three days of pure…

Back to “Hell’s Kitchen”

With the release of “Daredevil” season two, our favorite lawyers have their work cut out for them after taking down the Kingpin. With the Kingpin out of the way, every scumbag wants a piece of that power. Enter Frank Castle, The Punisher, a man hell-bent…

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