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The Bradley Scout

Fall boasts fun, amusing activities for students in Peoria

Bradley’s campus has been set ablaze in the past few weeks. Fall is working its magic by bringing a little color to the trees and scenery around town, and Bradley is no exception. Students can be seen breaking out the sweatshirts while studying on Olin…

New snack bar premieres in Lydia’s Lounge

The smell of freshly grilled hamburgers and hot French fries wafted through the air, luring students from the University Hall lobby into Lydia’s Lounge last Friday night. Spotlights hung from the ceiling illuminating the stage in the far corner of the lounge. A band set…

Senate budget increases, money to be put aside

The Student Senate budget has a larger chunk of change to work with this year than in years past. The budget increased from $5,400 last year to $7,500 this year, an increase of nearly 40 percent, Senate Treasurer Owen Irwin said. “By cutting Web site…

Neighborhood relations ‘strained’

During the first week of school, Ben Johnson found pamphlets distributed by the Moss-Bradley Residential Association on cars parked along Institute Place and Barker Avenue. The pamphlet outlined appropriate conducts for students living in off-campus houses in the area, including the expected behaviors regarding parties,…

AT&T service won’t improve soon

Cell phone reception will not increase for AT&T users on campus anytime soon despite a Senate and Association of Residence Hall proposal, a university official said. Chuck Ruch, the Associate Provost for Information Resources and Technology, said he hoped AT&T would solve the problem but…

Bradley plants various flowers, hangs banners

Students may have noticed campus looking better this semester, with more flowers, shrubs and trees. The Department of Facilities Management, which is responsible for the maintenance of the university grounds, has been using more colorful flowers and different plants to beautify the campus, Facilities Management…

Artists flock to Peoria to display talents

“The artist does not draw what he sees but what he must make others see.” – Edgar Degas, French painter and printmaker Fortunately for Peorians, they got to see a lot more than a flooded Riverfront this past weekend. The high waters receded to the…

Pink Spiders weave a web of sticky, sweaty power pop

The southern music scene may be known for country acts and southern rock, but The Pink Spiders have been looking to change that ever since its 2004 EP “The Pink Spiders are Taking Over.” The group’s most recent release, “Sweat It Out,” is a fusion…

Moore slacks in new online documentary

If one word sums up Academy Award winning filmmaker Michael Moore, it has to be polarizing. With successful documentaries such as “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Bowling for Columbine” under his belt, the left-wing muckraker does have his fans. Then again, with such reactionary films and books…

Lydia’s legacy lives on in “Forgotten Angel”

It’s likely that most EHS 120 students groaned when they found out they had to read a book about Bradley’s founder for a one-credit hour class. Many most likely chose to not read the book, dismissing it as a waste of time or putting it…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.