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The Bradley Scout

Let’s continue the forward momentum on the Hilltop

This has been quite a year at Bradley. It has been, without a doubt, one of the most exciting times to be on the Hilltop. From the fall fight for MAP grants to the spring push for a mascot – it’s been a great year…

My top-five 1,000 really awesome things

I don’t spend a lot of time online. OK, so that’s not entirely true – I’ve been known to waste an afternoon or two Facebook stalking. But for the most part, I’m pretty Internet illiterate. I don’t spend hours on YouTube, I’m not what you’d…

“24” going off the air, and it’s about time

I may be a peace-loving, diplomacy advocating, human rights junky, but nothing gets me more excited than fictional terrorist killing. The first half hour of “Predator” is cinematic gold (the rest is hit or miss for totally different, mostly Carl Weathers-related reasons). I’ve seen “True…

Friday’s Flavor: Easy ways to eat healthy

The whole idea of eating healthy can sometimes seem overwhelming.  It is difficult as a college student to eat healthy, well-balanced meals that are also cheap, fast and convenient, but it can be done! By integrating some of these tips in your day-to-day life, you…

Four years is a long time

The past four years seem to hold every best and worst memory I have had, every important lesson I have learned, every new best friend I have made, every detail I learned about myself and every gain in maturity I have made. Four years ago…

A piece of Bradley makes its way to Missouri

Kansas City, Mo., just got a door to the Hilltop. Literally. Lori Luthy, creative director for Bradley, and Tom Gunter, a graphic designer in university relations, spent more than 100 hours over the last few months creating a pretty neat Bradley-themed collage on a door.…

Residence hall renovations make administration’s summer to-do list

While construction workers make progress on the Westlake Hall renovations and the creation of the Hayden-Clark Alumni Center this summer, many residence halls on campus will be receiving more than a fresh coat of paint. Among the list of several projects, selected bathrooms in University…

New student organization encourages pride in BU athletics

A new student organization created by the Athletic Department called The Red Sea Elite will allow true Bradley athletic fans to shine this fall. The Red Sea Elite has been established with the goal to motivate and inspire students to attend and support Bradley athletics…

Springboard winner announced: Toldmi will use contest to get off the ground

Amidst fierce talent at the fourth annual Project Springboard competition, Toldmi emerged as the first place victor. Toldmi, a free media company focused on providing users with a personalized community events calendar, received a $10,000 cash prize, consulting services from Junction Ventures, office space at…

Student group recycling old electronics May 8 in Geisert parking lot

More than 3.2 million tons of electronic waste, or E-Waste, is dispensed into landfills each year, harming the environment as well as humans. In order to help reduce the amount of E-Waste  produced each year, the Student Green Electronics Campaign will organize a recycling drive…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.