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The Bradley Scout

One-on-One: Can a nine seed or lower win the NCAA tourney?

No    Northern Iowa, Cornell, Washington and St. Mary’s have captivated the basketball masses for one thrilling ride so far in this NCAA tournament, but there is a reason they came into this tournament as underdogs from day one. The other 12 teams at the…

Student Senate calls for revamped Neumiller Hall

One of the most used-lecture halls on campus may see a face lift. Student Senate unanimously passed two resolutions, both calling for renovations to be made to Neumiller Lecture Hall. “There are definitely some things within Neumiller Hall that need to be updated,” said Student…

Candidates set to run for next year’s student body officers

The school year is coming to a close, which means Student Senate student body officer elections for next year are about to reach full bloom. Chairman for senate’s elections subcommittee, freshman Wade Hatler, recently announced the slate for 2010’s student body elections. “I am pleasantly…

Students remain cautious in face of recent campus dangers

Students have been more alert and on-edge after the criminal incidents that occurred this semester. One of these students is senior journalism major Claire Johnson, who said she had a frightening incident happen to her recently. On the Wednesday before Spring Break, Johnson said she…

Construction makes its way onto the quad

Recently, foot traffic on campus has had a few speed bumps to navigate around. Construction is in full swing and fences around Westlake Hall are a major clue that one of the oldest buildings on campus is getting a much-needed face lift. Westlake, which houses…

Tuition set to increase about five percent for next fall

Though tuition will increase next year, the change won’t be drastic, said Dave Pardieck, director of financial assistance. Annual tuition will increase about 5 percent at the most, Pardieck said. That’s not quite $1,200, raising yearly bills to about $25,147. The increase is less than…

homecoming Week to change to create school spirit

Plans are in motion for an overhaul of next fall’s Homecoming week. According to Student Body President Kyle Malinowski, the goal of Homecoming is to spur school spirit. “One thing we are doing a little differently this year is to get all the groups involved…

Students travel south for Spring Break philanthropy

Roxy Geier didn’t know how to install a roof on a home before she went on Spring Break. But by the end of break, the junior elementary education major felt at ease on a rooftop and even had blisters from hammering many nails throughout the…

Bedbugs, mold serious concerns for students

Don’t let the bedbugs bite. It’s the goodnight message of cartoons, movies and parents every where. It’s also a message that is relevant to a number of Geisert Hall residents. The creepy critters that for years were considered practically extinct have been making a comeback…

Things I wish I knew befor Spring Break

We hear about it constantly – in the magazines, on the news and even still from our parents. Sun damage prevention is serious business. During Spring Break I was lucky enough to go on a weeklong trip to Cancun with some friends. We stayed in…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.