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The Bradley Scout

Friday’s Flavor: Eating disorders – know the facts

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2010 started Feb. 21. For the 10 million women and 1 million men in the United States affected by this disease, last week was very important. Eating disorders are commonly misconceived and belittled; patients aspire for the true severity of…

More seniors sending in graduate school applications

The application season for graduate schools is coming to a close, and the Smith Career Center has seen a higher than average applicant turnout. Career Development Director Rick Smith said an average of 17 percent or less of Bradley graduates continue on to graduate school.…

Faculty salaries not in the icebox

Few faculty members have received pay freezes despite the economy. Bradley froze senior administrators’ salaries last year and raises received have been more “modest” that usual, Vice President for Business Affairs Gary Anna said. “In a short sense it’s a lot easier and smoother when…

Professor delivers speech on women abolitionists

Bradley professor and historian Stacey Robertson spoke about women’s involvement in the Underground Railroad this week. Her presentation, titled “Hearts Beating for Liberty: Women Abolitionists in the Old Northwest,” was hosted in the Wyckoff Room of the Cullom-Davis Library on Tuesday. Throughout her presentation, about…

Students perform Vagina Monologues this weekend

Students interested in vaginas can further their education this weekend. “People think vagina is a dirty word, and it’s really just an anatomically correct word for something we have,” said Jessica Dobson, co-director for The Vagina Monologues. “I think this is our best year yet.” The…

Students travel around the world in the Markin Center

The question of whether Late Night BU is going to change is being asked by some of the student body. Alcohol Education and Awareness Programs Coordinator and Late Night BU’s organizer Lyndsey Withers said new activities are included at each event, and if something is…

Students have a chance to voice opinions for cash

Students will have the chance to win $1,000 by stating what they think Bradley’s biggest problem is. They could win the money by entering a writing competition to win the Robert DeGise Writing Award. Submissions should identify a problem or need at the university and…

String of thefts may be connected

The Bradley bubble has taken a beating the past two weeks. Following the student mugging last Monday, a string of robberies occurred in the residence halls last weekend. Maggie Kostecki said the experience has left her feeling unsafe and insecure. The sophomore chemistry major was…

Companies make effort to hire new grads

Students graduating as soon as this year may have a better chance at getting a job straight out of school than they thought. Liberty Mutual, as well as 17 other companies including Google, Dell, eBay, General Electric and Microsoft, is participating in the Invest in…

Condoms coming to campus

After Spring Break students will have an on-campus opportunity that many have been hopeful for more than 10 years – condom access. Help Empower and Teach will kick-off its condom distribution program on March 26 at Late Night BU by offering sexual health demonstrations.  Students…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.