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The Bradley Scout

A glimpse into the Performance Arena

Editor’s Note: Members of the media were invited to take a tour of the still-under-construction Athletic Performance Arena last week. The $50 million structure is expected to open over the summer. Eventually, it will host women’s basketball and volleyball home games as well as concerts,…

Alcohol plan calls for reassessment

Two years  ago, the Bradley and Peoria communities were recovering from a horrific alcohol-related tragedy. Sheridan “Danny” Dahlquist was killed in August 2007 after his roommates set off roman candles underneath his bedroom door. What we didn’t know at the time was that tragedy would…

Participating in provost search vital for university

The success of a university boils down to one thing at the end of the day: academics. That’s why Bradley’s interviews with candidates for its new provost, which begin next week, are so vital. The provost, also called vice president for academic affairs, manages all…

Temporary economy shouldn’t alter lifelong goals

New York Times columnist David Brooks outlined a few lesser-known principles this week that may make those of us headed for graduation in May want to beg Bradley to take a few credits off our transcripts. A brief summary: America needs to produce 10 million…

I Want My MTV Back

MTV launched a logo redesign this week – one that stripped away the words “Music Television” from the network’s iconic symbol.  To me, this confirms my worst fear – that MTV is turning its back on music and forever relegating itself to reality show hell.…

Olympics offer tragedy and triumph

Vancouver, Canada: site of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games – where great joy and tragedy occur and timeless story lines play out on slopes and rinks. Let’s start with the good that can come out of the Olympics this year. First of all – the…

Friday’s Flavor: The truth about chocolate

You know that box of Valentine’s Day chocolates that are still sitting in your desk drawer because you are trying to eat healthy? Well, good news, eating chocolate can be good for you. Now of course, not all chocolate is good for you, but with…

BU police not ticketing heavily for driving laws

Campus Police have ticketed two drivers since new laws governing cell phone use went into effect at the start of 2010. Both drivers were ticketed at the intersection of Bradley Avenue and Underhill Street near St. Mark Catholic School for drivers talking on cell phones…

Texting ban presents challenges for police

Students feel mixed emotions about a new state law that is aimed to keep roads safer. The law prohibits the writing, sending or receiving of text messages, and includes surfing the web and e-mailing. Exceptions are made for drivers who are stopped in traffic and…

Alums’ cell company offers innovation

Students wanting to go green and save green can get a little help from GreenCells. GreenCells was founded in 2005 by Bradley alumni Jay Hines and Brian Moore with the intent of helping people to save money while going green. GreenCells sells refurbished cell phones…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.