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The Bradley Scout

Mascot won’t offer quick fix to apathy issues

The question of what to do with Bradley’s mascot has loomed for more than two decades. The issue is brought up every few years, but each time either a poor compromise is selected or the issue is simply shot down. Many credit the lack of…

Do we really need to fist pump like a champ?

MTV recently announced there would be a second season of “Jersey Shore.”  As excited as I am that the guido fest will continue, I am at the same time worried for the mental health of my peers. It makes me kind of sad that Bradley…

Groundhogs are ineffective weathermen

Every year, Feb. 2 is the day that we finally learn how long winter is going to last. But how we figure that out just baffles me. Every year, groundhogs all over North America emerge from their burrows to check their shadows. If Punxsutawney Phil…

Friday’s Flavor: Nutrition myths versus facts

Today, people want all the information they can get on healthy living.  What should we eat?  What should we avoid?  What is true in the media and what is false?  As consumers we are flooded with food and nutrition misinformation.  Some of what we hear…

Broadside searching for creative minds for spring publication

Students looking to unleash their creativity in the form of the written word or visual art work will again have a canvas this semester. “Each year we publish a 100-plus page journal showcasing creative work by Bradley students,” Broadside Editor-in-Chief Melissa Wahl said. “We publish…

University maintains high retention rate at semester

A recent release of this year’s freshman retention rate shows that 96 percent of freshmen returned for their second semesters at Bradley. For Vice President of Student Affairs Alan Galsky, this number proves the 2009-10 school year had a good start. “Anything above a 95…

New site helps you you groove while you move

This certainly isn’t your Mom’s Workin’ Out to the Oldies Mix. has found a way to keep gym rats from hearing the same old songs while hitting the gym. “I am in the gym at least every other day, I would much rather be…

New senate seats still open

Senate wasted no time getting acclimated and started the semester by approving 11 new senators. “Last semester was a very, very active semester and I am excited for this semester,” said Vice President of Student Affairs Alan Galsky. “This is a very exciting time to…

Bradley may see mascot change

Bradley may no longer just be the home of the Braves. Student Senate passed a resolution this week calling for University President Joanne Glasser to form a mascot committee. If formed, that committee would be responsible for slating ideas for a new mascot. “If the…

Cost for Wireless Internet across campus being assessed

The exact cost of making campus completely wireless is still being assessed, but early estimates place costs at “hundreds of thousands of dollars.” Student Senate voted in December to bring wireless Internet to residence halls and the St. James Apartment Complex. Student Senate Vice President…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.