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The Bradley Scout

One-on-One: Should the NFL govern over health issues?

No At the age of 18, everyone in this country is considered an adult. If you commit a crime, you get tried to the fullest extent of the law. At this time, any person can make decisions for themselves, especially concerning health. Last week, Pittsburgh…

Volleyball announces new recruits as the Braves wrap up season

Volleyball ended its season by signing two players. Six-foot-2 Allie Falter and 6-foot-0 Lauren Zerante are both blockers who will join next year’s roster. “They are both middle players, and that is something we are thin in,” coach Sean Burdette said. “When we meet with…

Voice picks top movies of the decade

Sure, this decade brought us the rise and fall of Lindsay Lohan, the legend of the Snuggie and VH1’s “Rock of Love Bus,” but the last 10 years have been great for film.  Except for maybe “White Chicks.”  2000  “Almost Famous”  Right from the moment…

Mayer’s “Battle Studies” sappy, nothing new

John Mayer is infamous for his love of women – namely beautiful, big-named celebrities.  For a period in time, he was better known as a playboy than a talented singer-songwriter. With “Battle Studies,” however, Mayer aims to gain his credibility back, through his seemingly infinite…

Peoria Heights restaurant offers good food, atmosphere falls short

Taste buds on strike from Peoria’s daily humdrum eats? Got a pocket-searing wad of money to burn? You just might find yourself at the door of Peoria Heights’ chic restaurant, Seven on Prospect.  This self-proclaimed cosmopolitan grill is lost somewhere in the bevy of boutiques…

“The Blind Side” inspirational, about more than just football

Imagine for just a moment what it would be like if your family was never around. Imagine going to school everyday where everyone stares at you like you’re a freak of nature. Imagine what it would be like to have nothing at all, not even…

More H1N1 shots available today

Only 415 students had opted to receive the H1N1 vaccination from Health Services as of Tuesday. That number represents less than 9 percent of the undergraduate student body, of which a large majority has met the qualification to receive the vaccine. Before Thanksgiving Break, the…

Bradley cutting phone service in dorms

Students with poor cell phone service or no cell phone at all should act fast, because by next summer, land lines in residence hall rooms will be cut. “[In-room land lines] aren’t used a great deal,” Associate Provost for Information Resources and Technology Chuck Ruch…

Condom plan undergoes changes

Students won’t be getting free condoms for the holidays – at least not for now. The Wellness Program and Help, Empower and Teach’s resolution to give students access to free condoms is awaiting administration’s approval. Student Senate voted last month to pass the resolution with…

The Scout presents the top 10 stories of the decade

The first decade of the 2000s was a tumultuous one.  From Sept. 11 at the start to the economic nosedive and election of Barack Obama at the end, it’s been exciting. Here are the top Bradley stories from each year of the decade. 2000 St.…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.