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The Bradley Scout

Wireless Internet a necessity, not accessory

It’s not just for Facebook anymore. The Internet has become an integral part of the college experience both socially and academically. Professors communicate vital information through e-mail. Sakai and Blackboard are used for posting, turning in and grading assignments. The day of the occasional online…

Condom plan a good first step, but needs changes

After a few months of negotiation, it looks as if the details of Student Senate’s Sexual Health Resolution have finally been nailed down. Administrators seem to be OK with the plan, and the Wellness Program has put together what we see as a fair condom…

Line between church and state hazy

People always say the two things you should never discuss when first meeting a person are politics and religion. These two topics tend to go hand in hand, but may do so even more than you might think. For example, people who are members of…

Friday’s flavor: Don’t supersize it

James Painter, Family and consumer sciences chair and professor at Eastern Illinois University, spoke to a full room at Neumiller lecture hall on Nov. 11. His presentation was a delightful mix of comedy and common sense as he spoke about portion sizes and healthful eating.…

Biggest crushes of the millenium

This past decade has brought some big changes in my life. I moved on from junior high, to high school, to college. My taste in music, movies and TV shows changed. And since the highly mature age of 12, my discerning taste in men has…

New bar offers students an “alternative”

Jessica McGhee isn’t a wizard, but she says she can make a drink like one. McGhee and her husband James recently opened Blue – a bar where you can sip cocktails out of a Disney-themed glass, play Jenga and borrow a Snuggie if you want…

Senate resolutes that campus be wireless by next fall

The semester is coming to an end quickly, but that isn’t stunting the progress being made by Student Senate. For years, students have been told wireless Internet was going to be provided within dorms, and senate is looking to make that happen. “We’ve been told…

Senate surveys students

The Student Relations Committee recently asked students to fill out a survey about issues they’ve noticed on campus to win a $25 Bookstore gift card. “We did the survey because we really wanted to know what students thought about what was going on around campus,”…

Army officer speaks about war

An Army officer spoke to students about her experience in Iraq before Thanksgiving Break. The Army ROTC department and Department of Student Affairs invited Lt. Col. Janet Kirkton to campus. Kirkton, who spent a year in Iraq until last June, spoke about her duties as…

ACBU looks to hit right note for next semester

With second semester approaching, the Activities Council is on the look out for some possible acts to bring to Bradley. “We have started to look at a few possible acts for next semester,” said Kathleen McGing, special events reserve fund co-coordinator for ACBU. “We have…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.