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The Bradley Scout

Bradley Theatre’s “Pinocchio” not your average puppet show

From the moment the spotlight gleams on the brooding face of the lonely widower Gepeto (Steve Snyder), it is clear this show is not based on the Disney classic we all know and love. This play is much darker than the heart-warming Disney version, and…

“Borderlands” packs a challenge, but better co-op

“Borderlands” is an action RPG made by Gearbox, who is probably most famous for porting “Halo” to the PC and “The Brothers In Arms” series. The game is available for PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. “Borderlands” is super addictive for the same reasons “Diablo…

Students tunneling through oppression

Students were gassed as if they were in Auschwitz, yelled at for not having green cards and listening to puking noises in the Michel Student Center Ballroom this week. The Tunnel of Oppression offered students a chance to feel the power of hate and oppression…

BU forming community college partnerships

At this time last year the economy was in the toilet and the university was looking at the very real possibility of a second year of a small freshman class. But by the first week of May, admissions officials were celebrating the record number of…

BU will only monitor students after threats

The first case of a university suing a student for online speech recently occurred, but the vice president of student affairs said Bradley isn’t looking to get students in trouble for what they say on the Internet. Alan Galsky said the only reason the university…

Working behind the scenes: theatre production team

Many students have probably seen at least one of the theatre department’s performances. And in every play, it is obvious the actors have put a lot of time into learning their lines and how to transform into their specific character, but students sometimes overlook the…

Suitcase Social sends students south

More than 100 students showed up in Lydia’s Lounge toting suitcases and hoping their names would be drawn for a getaway last weekend. The annual Suitcase Social is an event where students pack a suitcase and enter their name into an all expenses paid raffle…

Applications in for new BU Athletic Director

Nearly six months after former athletic director Ken Kavanagh left his post, the university has made initial steps toward hiring a permanent replacement. Parker Executive Search, based in Atlanta, has been enlisted to aide in the preliminary steps of the hiring process. Applications were due…

ForeWarn flaws must be quickly fixed

The Bradley bubble was quite literally crashed through this week, reminding students they aren’t the only ones living here. The incident happened after two alleged armed robbers fled police and lost control of their car. It came to a stop on campus, but not before…

University censorship a serious, scary occurrence

Many students keep blogs. Often, they’re used to chronicle sports, music or simply everyday campus life – which is what a Butler University junior intended when he started his TrueBU Blog last year. However, when a Butler department head was fired, and the anonymous blogger…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.