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The Bradley Scout

Media creating unhealthy role models

While trying to think of a somewhat interesting topic for my column this week, I stumbled upon a Powerpoint I made last year for one of my COM 103 speeches. I looked at all the slides before deciding I could still probably rant for a…

Puppet master isn’t funny

There is no medium like TV. With TV, you have a wide swath of programming to choose from. If you don’t like “24” you can change the channel to “Designed to Sell.” If “Mad Men” isn’t your thing, you can check out what’s going on…

Women’s rights infringed upon

What would you be thinking if you were about to have an abortion? Would you be scared, shaking, hoping for the end to near? Probably. But women in Oklahoma may soon have a few more things to think about. Two Oklahoma laws, which were originally…

Friday’s Flavor: The benefits of fiber

Editor’s note: The Scout will run a weekly column about various nutrition topics. The columns are written by members of the Dietetics Student Association and are evaluated for accuracy by Jeannette Davidson, who is a registered dietician and director of the Dietetics Program. Fiber is…

Professor speaks about Iranian culture

Thanks to the Diversity Affairs committee of Student Senate, each month a Bradley professor will give a speech about a culture different from our own. Communications professor Ali Zohoori gave the first speech last Thursday, and he presented on a topic near to his heart…

Team Bradley presents leadership opportunity

Students have the opportunity to unleash their inner rockstar while honing their leadership skills next semester. Team Bradley is an overnight retreat for various campus leaders that takes place once a year. The theme for this year’s Team Bradley which is Jan. 22 and 23,…

Stimulus money funds additional Peoria construction

Stimulus money injected a throng of construction projects through Peoria, with progress continuing on many of them, a city engineer said. Jeff Smith of the City of Peoria said more roadwork projects have been undertaken this year because of Illinois Department of Transportation Economic Stimulus…

Senate celebrates MAP grant success

Proud of its hard work, Senate confidently dissolved the MAP grant Ad-hoc Committee on Monday. For Senate, the demolition of this committee represents success and the push to move forward. “The committee was a great success,” Student Body President Kyle Malinowski said. “It completed all…

Softball team given SB presidential commendation

The 2008-09 softball team was presented a commendation by Student Body President Kyle Malinowski for distinguished athletic talent and teamwork. “I gave the commendation to the softball team as a symbol of congratulation for their outstanding achievements last year,” Malinowski said. “The successes of the…

Bradley ‘meats’ praise from PETA ranking

Bradley has been ranked among the top colleges in the country, but this time its not for the quality of the education it offers. The ranking is for the quality of vegetarian food options. Peta2, the college arm of People for the Ethical Treatment of…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.