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The Bradley Scout

Students shack to raise money for housing

Students spent the night in boxes on Olin Quad Wednesday. They slept there for Bradley’s sixth annual Shack-a-Thon, hosted by Habitat for Humanity. “Shack-a-Thon gives students a chance to see firsthand what it is like to be homeless for a night,” said Brett Williams, the…

Senate and HEAT attempt campus condom distribution

To promote safe and positive sexual health, Senate is teaming up with Help, Empower and Teach to give students accessibility to condoms on campus. “It has been an incentive that we have been trying to push for years,” said Ashley Porter, a member and former…

Real-life “Hitch” visits campus, offers advice

America’s real life Hitch visited Bradley Wednesday night. David Coleman, the man who inspired the movie “Hitch,” came to speak to students about dating and relationships. Some of his topics included the ways men and women show interest, long distance relationships, the friend zone, how…

BU financial aid requests remain steady

The number of students seeking financial aid in the weather-beaten economy has increased across the country, but Bradley’s hasn’t seen such an increase. A survey released recently by the National Association for College Admission Counseling revealed nearly 90 percent of colleges and universities saw an…

BU bussing to Map grant rally at capitol

It looks like Bradley is no longer one of the country’s most apathetic campuses. Next week, more than 250 students will be headed to Springfield for a student rally in support of funding MAP grants. “This is an extremely important issue for all of higher…

15 schools to attend MAP grant summit

As Bradley students head home for Fall Break this weekend, a new group of students will flock to campus. Student Senate’s MAP grant summit will take place at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Michel Student Center Ballroom, with student leaders from across the state discussing…

Anonymous writers create humorous blog

The anonymous bloggers at have perfected the formula for witty, biting pseudo-news. With stories about vintage television shows, stereotypical Bradley student archetypes, a “Death to Smoochy” movie review and a preview of Bradley’s 2010 football team, the student-run blog is like a more local…

Condom resolution is long-past due

After Fall Break, Student Senate will vote on a piece of legislation that could set up the distribution of condoms on campus.   It’s clear to us that this is a step in the right direction, and we strongly encourage each senator to vote for…

Bank fees are shockingly unfair

Most of us have been there, even if we don’t want to admit it. We go online to check our checking account balance, only to see that dreaded negative. How? Why? Not possible. These thoughts and more roll through our heads as we figure out…

Credit cards users beware

Drop the plastic. Drop the shiny shoes. Back away slowly from the cash register.   If you’re anything like me, neckdeep in a sea of debt, then you know taking a stroll at the mall puts you on the plank of financial suicide.    A…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.