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The Bradley Scout

‘Superheroes’ are exhausting

I consider myself a smart person. I get good grades, and I have common sense. However, there are just some things about campus life I simply do not understand. Like, for instance, why the cafeterias are only open for a short time on the weekends,…

Dog competition makes incredible TV

When the leaves begin to change and the temperature starts to drop, I usually find myself propped in front of the TV to watch the Sunday marathon of professional and college football games. Although this past Sunday, while switching from game to game, I found…

Students cooking for credit

For most students at Bradley, Lydia’s Lounge is just another place to get food and hang out. For students in FCS 405, however, it is a place to earn class credit and gain valuable experience for their future careers. “Working at Lydia’s Lounge is great…

Famous author will be fall Robison Lecturer

Author Todd Gitlin will visit Bradley’s Neumiller Hall at 8 p.m. on Oct. 21 for the annual Robison Lecture. Gitlin is the author of 12 books, many of which are about societal issues such as poverty, media and governmental involvement. Others include two novels and…

First Panhellenic Campus Carnival entertains on Olin

To keep potential sorority members interested, the Panhellenic Council hosted a Campus Carnival last weekend.  The carnival was introduced as a way of acquainting new students further with the Bradley campus and the greek system.  “The carnival was an idea the Panhellenic and Interfraternity councils…

Parking deck isn’t used to full capacity

The Main West Parking Deck is a year old, but it isn’t being used to its full capacity. The deck, located on the corners of Main Street and Maplewood Avenue, was built in August 2008 for commuter students, faculty and staff with a valid permit,…

Homecoming hits the hilltop

Bradley students can break out their sombreros when “Fiesta de Bradley” hits the Hilltop. The fiesta-themed Homecoming 2009 will begin Wednesday, with activities throughout the week until Oct. 3. Activities Council U-Spirit Co-Coordinator Kelsey McClellan is coordinating Homecoming Week and said a main goal of…

Exchange students learn about American press

A group of six Slovenian journalism students were immersed in American culture last week. The group, from the University of Ljubljana, spent 10 days traveling from Chicago to Peoria to Indianapolis visiting news outlets and museums along the way. “They come to America … to…

Business Olympics new tradition

Phi Chi Theta hosted Bradley’s first Business Olympics Tuesday afternoon on Olin Quad. “This is hopefully an annual event that we will host,” said Business Olympics Public Relations chair Candace Esken. Phi Chi Theta organized the Business Olympics in coordination with the Student Business Leadership…

80 employers and 840 students attend job fair

The negative effects of the economy were evident at Bradley’s Fall Job Fair on Thursday, but job-searching students and employee-searching companies remain optimistic. “Many companies were hesitant to attend,” said Jane Linnenburger, executive director of the Smith Career Center. “They were unsure that they would…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.