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The Bradley Scout

Author, professor to talk about security after 9/11

An author and professor will visit Bradley to discuss the ways the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11 have changed the way our society is policed. Professor of criminal justice and police studies from Eastern Kentucky University Vic Kappeler will present the speech “Policing in the…

Move to Sakai to come next spring

Despite efforts to replace Blackboard with a new program by fall, students will have to wait another year before all classes are switched to Sakai. Although the goal early last fall was to complete the switch this spring, the move is taking longer than expected,…

SBO election results uncertain

Runoffs will take place next week for president and VP  Two of the four positions in the Student Body Officer elections have yet to be decided. When the results were announced Tuesday, no candidate for president or vice president received a majority of the votes.…

Student robbed at gun point

Until recently, the area near campus seemed to be immune to the recent rash of armed robberies the city of Peoria has experienced. But last Friday about noon, senior accounting major Lauren Peterson was walking home from class when she was robbed at gun point.…

Van Auken to serve another term

Support from BU students lacks, Smith falls short In the elections for Second District Peoria City Council, Curphy Smith didn’t garner enough Bradley student support at the polls and fell to incumbent Barbara Van Auken. Van Auken got 1,388 votes, enough to defeat her opponent…

We The Living showcases talent in Lydia’s Lounge

Lydia’s Lounge may just be the best-kept secret on campus.  From nationally recognized stand-up comics and inspiring poets to surging bands eager to share their music with new audiences, the generous free entertainment offered to Bradley students (yep, no money needed for most of these…

artSHAPEDlife combines creativity with therapy

Therapy and counseling can take many forms, including one-on-one analysis, individual thought and group therapy. But a new form of psychoanalysis is emerging – art therapy. It has helped many overcome trauma, difficult relationships and behavioral issues by allowing the participant to express thoughts through…

Solid cast rounds out “Adventureland”

Amusement parks are seen as a great way to waste a summer day – thrilling, run-down rides, addicting yet rigged games and fatty, yet tasty food. Chances are, though, no one fantasizes about spending an entire summer vacation working there. “Adventureland” centers on James Brennan,…

Scout supports Ticaric, Peters, Esken, Campbell

Editorial board endorses four candidates for student body officer elections This year, 11 students are vying for student body officer positions on Student Senate. Three tickets have emerged, and one student will run as an independent. Graduate student Jordan Ticaric, junior Jade Peters, junior Trisha…

ACBU drops ball with no concert

About a month ago, the Activities Council seemed pretty adamant on hosting a spring concert. Its members told the Scout they were working hard to find a band students would enjoy, and plans to host the concert in the Civic Center, rather than on campus,…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.