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The Bradley Scout

Parties come together for election party

Students from three different political organizations  came together Tuesday night waiting anxiously for the election results to arrive at the first ever Election Night Extravaganza. College Democrats initially organized the event because of the gravity of this election, and the event was attended by the…

Peoria area voters elect Schock, Gordon, re-elect Lyons

While the main focus of Tuesday night was the presidential election, there were also several important local elections that may have an affect on students. Bradley alumnus, former Peoria School District 150 board president and 92nd district state Rep. Aaron Schock was elected to represent…

Turnout high at first Late Night BU event of year

Student Body President Jordan Ticaric said more than 800 students attended last Friday’s Late Night BU. That number was 300 more than Student Activities Director Michelle Whited had previously predicted. “Late Night BU gives students an option besides going out,” Ticaric said. “Students are going…

More students take time to get flu shots this year

With flu season here, the Student Health Center has seen a rise in the number of people getting vaccinated against influenza in comparison to last year. The Health Center has already given out more than 200 shots within the first two weeks of the season,…

Recycling programs tested at St. James

The effectiveness of St. James Apartment Complex’s new recycling program may lead to more recycling options being available on campus. Last week a large recycling dumpster was placed in the north-east parking lot of St. James, and this week a letter was sent to residents…

Students can ‘Speak Up’ at event

Next Tuesday students will have the opportunity to articulate issues they may have with campus at an event called “Speak Up.” A number of administrators and faculty will be present at the event next week. “Speak Up will be from 5 to 7 p.m. in…

15-year plan may influence enrollment

Prospective students who visit Bradley are experiencing the new look of campus in a way previous classes could not. The Campaign for a Bradley Renaissance, a 15-year plan dedicated to maintaining the ideals Lydia Moss Bradley began when she founded Bradley, may positively affect enrollment,…

Mold grows in houses, sprouts student concerns

When Erin Krubeck moved into her off-campus house last year, she was surprised to find something already living there. “We noticed some strange, damp smells so we went to the basement to see where the air was circulating from,” the senior marketing major said. “This…

Sidewalk renovations make way for future construction

Bradley Grounds Crew is paving the way for a safer sidewalk system on campus. Sidewalk renovations have begun on problem spots in front of Westlake Hall and near Bradley Hall in response to damage caused during the recent clock tower renovation. “In order to reach…

Ticaric: Bookstore hours need change

Students may soon be able to shop in the bookstore on weekends. Student Body President Jordan Ticaric said she has been pushing for an increase in the bookstore hours. Ticaric said she began to push the change after going to a conference in California. “The…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.