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One-on-one: Is the 3-on-3 overtime rule good for NHL Hockey?

No way!
Channing Whitaker

New for the NHL Hockey 2015-2016 season, overtime will be 3-on-3 instead of the usual 4-on-4 overtime format hockey fans are familiar with.
This new overtime rule will not be good for the sport of hockey as it will cause some drawbacks.
The first drawback is there are many hockey fans who have been watching and enjoying the same sport for years. Changing a rule of this kind will not sit right with the purists, because they will feel like they are watching something completely different than traditional hockey.
Also, some hockey fans will dislike this format because after watching a 5-on-5 battle for three periods, they do not want to see the number of players on the ice lessen once overtime starts.
Another drawback pertains to the big amount of open ice players will have to work around. Players will be too afraid to risk losing possession due to the high stakes involved, and they would not be as inclined to take a shot when given the opportunity. Thisn is going to hamper offensive production, and this new format will not deliver the exciting action the league thinks it will.

Heck yeah!
Amanda Prosperi

The 3-on-3 overtime rule is one of the best things that could have happened to the National Hockey League in the offseason and here’s why: With the previous 4-on-4 rule in overtime, players had a hard time scoring goals due to not having enough space on the ice. This would ultimately lead to a shootout.
Now, with the 3-on-3 overtime rule, spectators will see more space on the ice, leading to more goals. Fans want to see their team take shots on the goal and, ultimately, earn goals. By having the 3-on-3 rule we are going to see way more tallies in overtime.
We will see more scoring, as opposed to seeing a shootout. Fans would prefer to see a hockey style of play to finish a game, rather than an arbitrary skill contest to decide the outcome. As a hockey fan, I want to see a play develop with thee teammates, showing their athleticism.
Fans are going to witness a higher form of skill level from the players they love, which will lead to more excitement for them.
The players in the NHL are the best hockey players in the world, they should take this new rule as a new challenge for them and show us, their loyal fans, what they can do.

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