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The best sports mascots for a Valentine’s Day date

Love is in the air ahead of Valentine’s Day, and, for some, that means going out for a posh dinner and exchanging a personalized gift or two and maybe some sweets. For others, the holiday marks their yearly record for most eye-rolls in one day.

Love isn’t a common theme at most sporting events unless you’re on the kiss cam. If you’re an enthusiastic fan, you’ll likely spend the game cheering one team’s successes and loudly encouraging their opponent’s demise. Not too romantic, is it?

However, one feature at any game that can unite fans, regardless of allegiance, is a lovable and visually appealing mascot. With that being said, here are some of the most attractive mascots that you could possibly set your eyes on.

Photo from USA Today

Otto the Orange

The mascot for Syracuse University is quite frankly one of the cutest of the bunch. Otto proves that you don’t have to be skinny to look great; all you need is a pair of big, soft hands and a shy but genuine smile.

While he is a fictionalized character, you don’t need to feel too weird calling Otto attractive, since his human features are visible. Girls might love him because he has a dad bod. Guys might love him because he kind of looks like a … well, never mind.

Photo from the Portland Tribune

Dillon T. Pickle 

Mr. Pickle, as we’ll call him, is the mascot for the Portland Pickles, a summer collegiate baseball team in Portland, Oregon. He’s like the 18-year-old that just got on Tinder, since he’s not afraid to let inhibitions stop him, and the Pickles are a relatively new franchise. How can a mascot be unafraid to let it all hang out, though? 

Well, that answer lies in a situation where Mr. Pickle took control of the Pickles’ Instagram account for a day, specifically on Jan. 12. After posting some expected light-hearted and family-friendly content, Dillon apparently couldn’t keep it PG for much longer and tweeted this photo, which was inexplicably raunchy by mascot standards. If you’re looking for a mascot that’s young, popular and isn’t afraid to get spicy, Dillon T. Pickle is your guy.

Photo by Bovinemke on Instagram

Bo Vine

This selection may come across as a little biased, given that Bo Vine is the mascot of the Milwaukee Milkmen, an independent minor league baseball team that I interned for in the summer of 2021, but he is simply a love boat. This bull, sporting a Milkmen uniform with “2%” on the back as a nod to the team, may just be everything you’re looking for. Attractive smile? Check. Big muscles? Check. Good with kids? Check. Not afraid to dance? You guessed it.

If that’s not enough, Bo Vine is known for showing his flirtatious side between innings, frequently handing a phone to a pretty young lady and motioning for her to call him later. Since he rides around on a hoverboard all game long, you can rest assured that he rides in style. (will add photo(s)

Photo from the Kansas City Star


If you’re looking for a sugar daddy this Valentine’s Day, Sluggerrr, the mascot of the Kansas City Royals, may be the answer to your prayer. He knows he’s hot stuff, based on his strut and hair flip. Additionally, he wears a crown to show off his royalty, so score a date with Sluggerrr and you may feel like the next Meghan Markle. 

The Royals won the World Series in 2016, so Sluggerrr may be able to recycle his championship ring. The best part? He even lists his relationship status as “on the prowl” on his bio page

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