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Dates to avoid this Valentine’s Day

With great love comes great responsibility, especially when it comes to celebrating the holiday of love. That is why this reporter is here to soothe your nerves a bit. However, as much as I love my readers, I can’t hold your hand forever, which is why I am not planning your dates for you this year.

After years of giving love advice and even crafting playlists to “set the mood,” it is now on you to take the plunge and pick the date. But because love is in the air, I will provide you with some advice on what not to do this V-Day.

The non-date date

If you are spending Valentine’s Day with your significant other and your friends, that is not a date. I hate to break it to you, but no matter how chill your significant other is, they do not want to hang out with you and your friends. If you invite your single friends out for your Valentine’s festivities, you may end up in the exact same spot as them in a couple of weeks.

The makeup date

Yes, it is the season of love, and they may be working on themselves (thank you, New Year’s resolutions), but that does not mean they are the one for you. Your ex may be comfortable and familiar, and it may seem like they’re better now and it might actually work, but let’s be real: they are your ex for a reason.

The inconsiderate date

If you are 21 and your date isn’t, it probably isn’t a good idea to try and go out for martinis instead of dinner. Similarly, if your date is vegetarian, make sure there are more options on the menu other than just mac and cheese. Maybe consider what your date would be interested in when you are planning — find a balance between interests. It might seem crazy that this has to be included, but I saw way too many mascara tear-stained faces living in the dorms. 

The influencer date

Influencer syndrome is contagious and can strike at any moment.You see a beautiful plate of sushi or you think of how nice the two movie tickets look together, and while those look aesthetically pleasing, that does not mean you need to ‘gram it. This V-Day, try to avoid being the one sharing every second of the date — it is annoying being on a date with someone and all of their Instagram followers. 

The “normal day” date

This date is something to avoid if you are in a longer-term relationship. What I mean is if you have been dating for more than a semester, it might be good to do something other than go to One World or Avanti’s for Valentine’s Day. If money is tight, consider going to Dollar Tree, grabbing some snacks and spending the night at home with old movies or something else creative and budget-friendly. Another day at the dining hall is probably not going to cut it.

The hookup date

Spending Valentine’s Day with someone just looking for a hookup is less than ideal if you are looking for love. Yes, it might feel good to not be alone, and they may be the most gorgeous person you have ever seen, but if they just want to hook up, you are not going to convince them otherwise. Someone looking for a relationship hooking up with someone just looking for a hookup is a recipe for heartbreak.

These are just some pointers on what to avoid this weekend. I should point out that there are some exceptions to these, but those are rare. Be mindful as love fills the air and overwhelms the senses, as the perfect date could be right in front of you.

It might seem impossible to plan a great date, but I believe in you and I know that with a little bit of thought and consideration you can hit it out of the park this Valentine’s Day. Whether it be spending time with that special someone, a Galentine’s brunch or staking out the soon-to-be discount candy with your roommate, love is all around, so let’s go out and embrace it!

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