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Popped an addy, I’m studyin’, woo

That overwhelming sense of doom and regret is all too familiar at the end of April for most college students. All of a sudden, those final projects you’ve been procrastinating all semester are staring you straight in the face, and it’s crunch time to study for final exams. Not to mention, there’s the extra amount of effort it takes to stay motivated when you have to stave off the urge to enjoy the beautiful weather.

It all seems nearly impossible. If only there was some magical pill that could assist you.

Well, there is, and far too many college students take advantage of study drugs, especially Adderall. But the increase in Adderall use specifically is not a new phenomenon, with prescriptions more than tripling since its initial release in 1996. However, the reliance on drugs in general is a growing trend seen among Millennials.

It seems a larger majority of people seek immediate relief for ordinary symptoms and problems. Personally, my mom is a firm believer in letting common colds run their courses, and God forbid a sleep aid such as Nyquil is ever seen in the house.

It’s a generational disconnect. People simply cannot sit with discomfort anymore, no longer relying on the old philosophy of rubbing some dirt on a wound and trudging onward. It’s kind of pathetic, but it does explain the rationale young adults use for Adderall.

Students have a problem: Limited attention spans and little self-control to eliminate technological distractions while studying. Thus, they find a pill to pop. Problem solved. According to the CNN article “Just say yes? The rise of ‘study drugs’ in college,” more than 90 percent of users take it for this purpose.

Users dismiss it as “not a real drug” and “not really illegal.” Yet, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), it is a Schedule II substance on the same list as cocaine, meth and morphine. The real addy baddies even snort the stuff. Even though the DEA doesn’t have the greatest track record for reasonable classification, seeing as marijuana is still a Schedule I drug, the increase in ER visits related to Adderall is fact.

Many students insist they simply cannot study for major tests without it now, claiming they probably really had ADHD in the first place, but just haven’t gotten around to getting diagnosed. According to the Addiction Center, they aren’t lying about being unable to study without it, but it’s just a strong sign of an addiction. “The brain of an addicted person is dependent on Adderall to stimulate alertness and productivity. Without Adderall, addicted people often feel tired and mentally foggy. These are symptoms of Adderall withdrawal.”

As is, it’s ridiculously easy to fake symptoms and get a prescription. And, I hate to break it to y’all, but everyone struggles to remain grounded and concentrated sometimes. Still, that doesn’t mean we all suffer from a disorder requiring medication.

I’m not at all rejecting the diagnosis of actual ADHD sufferers or those using the drug to treat narcolepsy, rather the people who seem to think it’s far too difficult to ground themselves to actually study.

Millennials shouldn’t have to be classified as having a tendency to take the easy way out. It’s time to buck up and boost your brain — sober.


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